It has been a while since I have played League of Legends. And since my best friend is regularly playing LoLPH again and watching LoLPH Pro Gaming Series (PGS) 2015 when we attended Rampage 2015 (thanks Booster C for VIP tickets!) hyped me up, I decided to play the game again.
The last time I played LoL regularly was late 2013, and a lot have changed since then, the meta, item and hero mechanics, new heroes, etc. so I asked my friend which mid lane champion is good to master in the current meta outside my usual champion pool of Lux, Zyra, Orianna and Morgana. My friend recommended Twisted Fate for his stun (yellow card), sustain (blue card), good damage output and map presence provided by TF’s ultimate.
I haven’t really used TF back then but I do know TF is a solid pick and I have a couple of skins for him so I decided to go with TF. That being said, this will the first part of me trying to master (or at least being decent) with TF.
The runes I have used are pretty standard, AP Quints, MR blues, armor yellows, and Magic Pen. reds.

I went for 21/0/9, will try the buff extension instead of cookies on my next play through.

Gameplay Video
I played with my friends on Normal blind pick mode. Also, the video is sped up to 150% playback speed.
So we lost the game in this one. I think I was just not doing enough damage (not enough farm) and not drawing enough gold cards during team fights. On top of that I need to work on my positioning during team fights.
Twisted Fate Notes / Key Takeaways
-Drawing the yellow card when I really needed it was kinda hard. Need to practice some more for the timing and the cycle of the goes by the order of Blue>Red>Gold. It sucks when you pull out a blue/red card when you really need the stun.
-If my ultimate is up and there is a ganking opportunity in the side lanes, shove middle lane then start walking to the lane to be ganked, this will ensure that the enemies in the side lane will be in range of your ulti. Teleport behind them if possible to cut off their escape.
-When using ulti to gank side lanes, pay attention to where the enemy jungler / mid laner is, if they are in position to counter gank, it might be wise to abort and just go back to mid, farm and put pressure in the mid lane.
-Need to work out my positioning during team fights.
-Need to improve my last hitting.
-Use my trinket as much as I could! (FREE WARD!)
-Play around with the item build. Might try with more CDR build next time.