USP or P2000? I prefer P2000.
Why? Because of the ammo capacity. While I do agree it is hard to quantify the utility of the silencer of the USP-S and it can be useful for ninja playstyle of some players, I just can’t use it consistently. There will be games that I will be trigger happy and run out of bullets.
With P2000 however, I can be trigger happy from time to time and still have the accuracy if needed.
And for those who want to see the numbers / stats, here’s the comparison table of P2000 and USP-S care of

As you can see, both of them are identical in terms of damage and armor penetration. While the P2000 wins by a small margin in other aspects, I think the ammo capacity is the deal breaker. Having more bullets will help you stand toe-to-toe against Terrorist that have Gloc or Tec-9s.
Here’s a video of me playing using P2000 and winning the pistol round for our team: Gameplay video